Poached Salmon

An easy cooking method that allows you to add it to lots of dishes such as pasta,risotto and salad

 2 Salmon fillets
 250 ml Water
 50 ml White wine vinegar
 4 tbsp Lemon juice
 1 tsp Peppercorns
 1 tsp Dill
 1 pinch Salt


Pour the water into a frying pan and bring to the boil,lower heat to a gentle simmer


Add the wine vinegar,lemon juice,peppercorns and dill and stir to mix through and simmer gently for 5 mns(a few little bubbles and a little steam)


Add your Salmon skin side down and simmer for 5-6 mns making sure it's just gently simmering. The water should only cover 1/4 of the fish


It should be changing colour from pink to opaque


Put the lid on your pan and turn the heat off. It will continue to cook in the heat within the pan and be pale in colour


After 4-5minutes gently remove from the pan with a flat turner and place on kitchen roll, pat dry and wipe off any excess liquor. You can also remove the skin if desired


The salmon should flake away allowing you to add to any dish you want or serve whole on a bed of pasta,salad etc