Slow cooker Beef Goulash

We’ll get 3 meals from this pot, there are 8 of us. Goulash tonight with some rice or potatoes, and then I’ll make some pies or pasties tomorrow and pop them in the freezer

 1 kg value diced beef. £7-ish
 1.2 kg reduced casserole veg (40p from co-op this morning).
 Tin tomatoes - 34p
 1/2pt beef stock <5p
 4 tbsp Tom puree
 2 tbsp paprika
 2 tsp garlic


Put the beef and veg in the slow cooker
Over that I poured a mix of 4 tbsp Tom puree, 2 tbsp paprika, 2 tsp garlic. 10p


On high for 5hrs. I'll then thicken/season as necessary then turn to low until we're ready for it.


So about £8 but making 8 people 3 meals it ain't too bad. Bare in mind it would therefore make 6 meals for a family of 4, or halve the quantities and the cost.