Three Cheese stuffed pasta shells

 75g large pasta shells per person
 1.5 pints tomato sauce ( I made mine with onions , garlic , peppers , carrots , mushrooms , Italian seasoning and tinned tomatoes
 2 pots of ricotta
 150g hard Italian cheese grated
 A couple of balls of mozerella
 0.5 bag frozen spinach
 Salt and black pepper
 Freshly grated nutmeg


Heat oven to 180c


Cook the pasta shells in boiling salted water for 7 minutes . Drain and cool


Cook the spinach in microwave for a minute or 2 . When cooked squeeze out all of the water .


Mix the cheeses in a bowl reserving some of the mozerella


Add the spinach and then season with salt , pepper and nutmeg . Mix well


Put a layer of tomato sauce on the bottom of a baking dish .


Stuff the cooled pasta with teaspoonful of the cheese and spinach mix . Sit on top of the tomato sauce . Add more sauce and then more shells in layers finishing with tomato sauce . Top with reserved mozerella


Cover with foil and bake for 15-20 minutes. Remove foil and cook for another 10 minutes. Serve