A handy tip for cutting butternut ... Pop it in a hot oven for five mins, (or microwave) take out and allow to cool slightly... It should be tender and safer to cut. Peel if you want but you can leave the skin on if you prefer.
Cut in half,scoop out seeds (roast then add later)
Drizzle over a tablespoon of olive oil and a tablespoon balsamic roast 180° for 20 mins
Add in your blanched/drained (or defrosted from frozen) sprouts..couple of hundred grams, a peeled and diced apple
Any scraps of ham.. or, some bacon scraps..whatever you have. A good pinch herbs..sage/thyme/mixed..whatever you have, and season with S&P
Add 100g cooked chestnuts.. cut in half
Give everything a good toss about.. back in oven for 20 mins..
Take out and give another toss about, another quick drizzle of oil/balsamic if its looking dry and you think it needs.. final 20 mins to golden brown.
A handy tip for cutting butternut ... Pop it in a hot oven for five mins, (or microwave) take out and allow to cool slightly... It should be tender and safer to cut. Peel if you want but you can leave the skin on if you prefer.
Cut in half,scoop out seeds (roast then add later)
Drizzle over a tablespoon of olive oil and a tablespoon balsamic roast 180° for 20 mins
Add in your blanched/drained (or defrosted from frozen) sprouts..couple of hundred grams, a peeled and diced apple
Any scraps of ham.. or, some bacon scraps..whatever you have. A good pinch herbs..sage/thyme/mixed..whatever you have, and season with S&P
Add 100g cooked chestnuts.. cut in half
Give everything a good toss about.. back in oven for 20 mins..
Take out and give another toss about, another quick drizzle of oil/balsamic if its looking dry and you think it needs.. final 20 mins to golden brown.