Our much anticipated meal plan collab with some very special guests is here! twochubbycubs have been sighted adding some yumness and a pinch of humour to my £20 evening meal plan! It’s been an absolute pleasure to work with James and Paul to get you sorted for the week with low price AND low calorie meals! All dinners we’ve come up with are no more than 600 calories per portion and the overall cost of the shopping list for this came to just £20.80 if you shop between Aldi and Tesco.
Introducing twochubbycubs
James and Paul have been inspiring so many people to cook healthy food for less that I just had to ask them to collaborate on one of my meal plans. All of their meals are under 500 calories, but packed with flavour and goodness. I’ve been a fan of theirs for a while, especially because they also make sure that you don’t have to spend the world when cooking their recipes. As you will see in this week’s meal plan, their recipes are perfectly suited for all the things I’ve been advocating for to save money: freezing, batch cooking, air frying, and slow cooking. Plus, if you’re looking to lose weight or just to make sure your kids have a healthy diet, twochubbycubs recipes work. When they started their own weight loss journey, they lost a whole of 19 stone between them! Don’t just take it from me though, do head over to their own website and see what they’re up to. They have over 750 recipes on there for free, but I recommend having a look at their books as well – they’re absolutely fantastic!
Check out their latest book, Dinner Time, here!
James and Paul were kind enough to feature some of the recipes from their books in the collab meal plan, so if you like them, you know where to find more!
You Fink Frank Wants Stew?
It’s obvious that twochubbycubs recipes are fun to read as well as to make and eat. The delicious low calorie dish behind this hilarious title is actually a pork stew with only 6 ingredients and 463 calories on each plate. It’s from their book Dinner Time and really easy to make. Have a look at their yummy result below!

Please sign up to my newsletter here to see the full recipe. With pork shoulder as the meat choice in this dish, you can make your meat budget go a long way, especially if you use what you’ve got left in another dish later in the week. This is why I’ve added two more pork dishes to this meal plan, and one of them is porkie pasta.
Porkie Pasta
This recipe is from my own blog – you can find it here. It’s a nice warming meal, perfect for leftover or pre-cooked meat. It only needs 350g of pork and each portion only has 517 calories. The overall prep and cooking time comes to just 20mins, which makes this a convenient midweek meal. Have a look at my dish below.

Spicy Dahl Soup
Another lovely meal from James and Paul, this Spicy Dahl Soup is again from their book Dinner Time. It’s a filling, warming and exotic meal, which they recreated from a roadside café in Scotland! This is one of the lowest of low calorie meals you can make. Each portion only has 340 calories and it’s quite simple to make, too. For the full recipe, please sign up to my newsletter here. The beautiful shot below shows you the mouthwatering dish.

I really hope you will be or are already enjoying recipes from this collab meal plan, and that any of you who hadn’t heard of the twochubbycubs will become great fans like me!
If you want to see more exciting collabs and meal plans, please click here to sign up for my newsletter. It would be lovely to have you in our community! To share tips and connect with other members, join our Feed Your Family Facebook Group! I look forward to hearing from you there or in the comments below if you’ve tried any of the recipes in this week’s meal plan. Of course, don’t forget to follow the wonderful twochubbycubs as well, to stay up to date with all their amazing low calorie exploits!
Please note: Prices are subject to change and products subject to availability.