A cheap and filling midweek dish

Heat the oil in a large pan
Add the onion and peppers and fry for 10 mns
Add the garlic and stir for 2 mns then empty into a bowl and set aside
Fry the sliced sausages on a medium heat for 10-15 mns then set aside
Meanwhile mix the curry paste,powder and cornflour together with a drop of boiling water and stir into a smooth paste
Add the hot water to the pan,stir in the paste till it thickens into a sauce
Add the sausages and vegetables and simmer for 5 mns
Stir in the sugar,peanut butter and coriander
Serve with any rice of your choosing
Makes a great topping for a baked potato or even mash
Heat the oil in a large pan
Add the onion and peppers and fry for 10 mns
Add the garlic and stir for 2 mns then empty into a bowl and set aside
Fry the sliced sausages on a medium heat for 10-15 mns then set aside
Meanwhile mix the curry paste,powder and cornflour together with a drop of boiling water and stir into a smooth paste
Add the hot water to the pan,stir in the paste till it thickens into a sauce
Add the sausages and vegetables and simmer for 5 mns
Stir in the sugar,peanut butter and coriander
Serve with any rice of your choosing
Makes a great topping for a baked potato or even mash
I’ve made something similar before but instead of sausages, I took the meat out of the casings and made meatballs. Similarly I have also done that with pasta too 🙂